06/01/2018 - 07/01/2018  
Schaal Der Kempen (Weelde) Belgium

Schaal Der Kempen (Weelde) Rezultati razstave


The weekend of January 6 and 7, 2018 the Koninklijke Kempische Kynologenclub VZW Turnhout will once again organize their annual dog show commonly known as Schaal der Kempen.

The wide exhibition halls will be filled up with large numbers of men’s loyal four legged friend, the dog and their handler. Both only having one aim in mind looking at their best and winning the trophy Best In Show (BIS).  

The participants often come from countries other than ours. Yearly we welcome participants coming from Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Italy ... . The fact that we can welcome, year by year, large numbers of foreign exhibitors should tell something about the good reputation we have built up throughout the years. In order to keep things interesting for the exhibitors we make sure that we invite a lot of judges from various countries. They differ year by year. Last year we had judges coming over from Portugal, Finland, Ireland, Hungary, etc. just to name a few. 


51°24'00" N 04°57'36" E
Navohallen ( Voorheen Hoogstraten )
Geeneinde 54
2381 Weelde
Elektronski naslov: [email protected]
Telefon: +323122082

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