Jubileum KCM Drentsche Patrijshonden Club Nederland Netherlands

Jubileum KCM Drentsche Patrijshonden Club Nederland Show Results Open Catalog

Drentsche Patrijshonden Club Nederland

Jubileum Drentsche Patrijshonden Specialty (KCM)




08.00 hr. - Entry of dogs
10.00 hr. - Beginning of the Show

Informatie / Information
  • Gratis Paper catalogus per deelnemer;
  • Judging including written report. Possibilty to gain a CAC and double CAC. 
  • Prevention and corona measures according to government regulations at the time of the exhibition;
  • When the show has to be cancelled because of Covid we will reïmburse the entry fee minus 8,5 %.

52°09'56" N 06°29'25" E
De Waltakke
Bolksbeekweg 7
7241 PH Lochem
Drentsche Patrijshonden Club Nederland


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Online Results

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Registrations for this show are closed at this time.


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