Special club show for toy breeds and poodles Slovenia

Special club show for toy breeds and poodles Show Results Open Catalog

Special club show for toy breeds and poodles

Slovenski klub za pritlikave pasme


  • Full digital ring administration and online catalog;
  • Judging including digital written report; 
  • Online results in real time; 
  • Preventive measures will be in line with current regulations. You can monitor the current situation here.
  • If the show has to be cancelled because of Covid we will refund the entry fee minus 10 € for administative cost.

 Respect our regulations, pay respect by giving space to others. 
Working together can make these shows special and unforgettable.



  • Popolna digitalna administracija v krogih in spletni katalog;
  • sojenje z digitalno napisanim poročilom;
  • spletni rezultati v realnem času.
  • Preventivni ukrepi bodo v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi. Trenutno stanje lahko spremljate tukaj.
  • Če bo razstava odpovedana zaradi Covida, vam povrnemo prijavnino zmanjšano za administrativne stroške v višini 10 €.

Spoštujte predpise, spoštujte druge.
Sodelovanje lahko naredi te razstave posebne in nepozabne.






46°32'30" N 15°39'09" E
Kinološko društvo Maribor
Dajnkova ulica 4
2000 Maribor
Slovenski klub za pritlikave pasme


Open the online catalog of this show:

Online Results

Find here the online results of this show:


Registrations for this show are closed at this time.


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