Community dog show Helmstedt
Niedersachsen Show
VDH Landesverband Niedersachsen e.V.
Joint Dog exhibition in June 24 in Helmstedt is canceled
Dear ladies and gentlemen
Dear friends, fellow campaigners and supporters,
We had planned to organize and hold a joint exhibition in Helmstedt this year in a serious setting. The event was duly registered by us. Everything had been agreed with the veterinary office and the conditions set during 2023 were complied with.
However, we unexpectedly received a completely disproportionate list of new requirements from a newly appointed veterinarian just a few weeks before the event. This forced us to cancel the event with immediate effect. The extensive, yet not very specific and in some cases arbitrarily chosen requirements now imposed lead to incalculable costs and risks for exhibitors and organizers. Even entire breeds are being arbitrarily banned from the outset.
The force of such demonstrations of power is absolutely disproportionate. It also raises the question of how it can be that prejudices are made on the basis of interpretations. The number of dogs entered shows how great the desire is for such an exhibition at the Helmstedt location. We hope that common sense will return at some point.
We would like to expressly thank the clubs that wanted to take part and all the exhibitors who agreed to come to Helmstedt!
L'exposition canine collective de juin 24 à Helmstedt est annulée
Chère Madame, cher Monsieur,
Chers amis, compagnons de route et soutiens,
Nous avions prévu d'organiser et de réaliser cette année à Helmstedt une exposition collective dans un cadre sérieux. Nous avions annoncé l'événement en bonne et due forme. Tout avait été convenu avec les services vétérinaires et les conditions fixées au cours de l'année 2023 ont été respectées.
Cependant, nous avons reçu de manière inattendue, de la part d'une vétérinaire nouvellement arrivée, une liste totalement disproportionnée de nouvelles obligations, et ce quelques semaines avant la manifestation. Cela nous a contraints à annuler l'événement avec effet immédiat. Les exigences, nombreuses mais peu concrètes et en partie arbitraires, entraînent des coûts et des risques incalculables pour les exposants et les organisateurs. Des races entières sont même arbitrairement interdites dès le départ.
La force de telles démonstrations de force est absolument disproportionnée. Elle soulève également la question de savoir comment il est possible de préjuger sur la base d'interprétations. Le nombre de chiens inscrits montre à quel point le désir d'organiser une telle exposition sur le site de Helmstedt est grand. Nous espérons que le bon sens reviendra un jour.
Nous remercions expressément les clubs qui ont souhaité participer et tous les exposants qui ont accepté de venir à Helmstedt !
General information
The joint show is protected by the VDH. Youth CAC, Veteran CAC, CAC and the qualification for the VDH Championship will be awarded. The awarding is at the discretion of the judge, there is no legal entitlement.
ATTENTION: Not all breeds will be judged, but only those breeds which will have been managed by a dog club. If a breed does not appear in the list, it means that for this year, this breed will not be part of the show.
First registration deadline 10.05.2024 - Second registration deadline 25.05. 2024, now expanded till June 2nd.
Admission 8:00 a.m.
Start of judging 09:00 a.m.
Animal Protection Dog Ordinance
The Animal Welfare Dog Ordinance provides for a show ban for dogs with special characteristics. Please fill in the completed declaration of these characteristics, sign it and upload it here during registration.
The contact persons of the respective organizing associations and clubs can be found in the "Contact persons" tab
- Fully digital ring management and free online catalog
- The organization reserves the right to change the ring division
- In the event that the show has to be canceled, the entry fee will be fully refunded
Respect our regulations, pay attention by respecting the distance.
We expressly ask you to clean up any dog waste yourself. Failure to do so will be penalized with a fee of 100 €.
Inschrijvingen voor deze show zijn momenteel gesloten