$BackTo(Date) dimanche 17/12
Ring 5A - Cindy Kerssemeijer
Mâles - Jeune
VDH G5268M (276098106415664) 02/02/17
Ch. Tiny Amigo`s I Am Legend x Ch. Bullcreeks Cherry Blossom Girl
Prod: Stephanie Preugschat
Prop: Stephanie Preugschat DE Germany
KC AU01110003 (981000008838468) 09/02/17
Lafenice Tudor From Duvessa x Duvessa Devil In Disguise
Prod: Mrs D Vickers
Prop: Colombo Marco IT Italy
NHSB 3079259 (276098106335606) 30/08/16
New Action Captain Hook x Little Farmerfriends Carpe Diem Chupa Chup
Prod: K. Juhnke
Prop: Peter & Ingrid Göppel-Louw NL Netherlands
LOSH 1180279 (981100004342224) 05/09/16
Bullcreecs Bombastic x Mercedes Of Velvet Spine
Prod: Taffeiren Rik
Prop: Frank Staes BE Belgium
Mâles - Ouverte
NHSB 3040794 (528140000635527) 14/04/16
Okeeschobee's Lootah x Okeeschobee's Wenonah
Prod: Pwgm Goppel Peter
Prop: Freddy Van Affelterre BE Belgium
Mâles - Champion
NO NO44880/13 (578077000214006) 18/05/13
Chill Out's Mont Blanc x Flash Game Marso
Prod: Kjersti Kvale
Prop: Kjersti Kvale NO Norway
Femelles - Minor puppy
VDH M3174 (276094500486428) 23/07/17
King Lui Thé Warrior x Blue Angel
Prod: Thé Little White Gipsy's
Prop: Steve Vandewijngaerden BE Belgium
Femelles - Intermédiaire
LOF 17898/0 (250268731627503) 12/05/16
Seaquest Rude Boy x Isn'T She Lovely Of Witch And Tramp
Prod: Daniele Carbonnier
Prop: Gwendoline Cuvelier-Pattou BE Belgium
NHSB 3030149 (528140000632421) 31/12/15
Ch. Okeechobee's Eyota x Ch. Okeechobee's Talula
Prod: Pwgm Göppel
Prop: Peter & Ingrid Göppel-Louw NL Netherlands